Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Interview Like An Expert

Lynee Alves is the owner/proprietor of an exciting new business. After many years working in the media as an executive, Lynee noticed there was a distinct lack of preparedness in the interview process...on both sides.

Lynee has personally conducted over a thousand interviews herself, and has written a comprehensive guide for how to conduct an interview, but she's also now conducting workshops and bootcamps to help. Have you ever lost a great candidate for a role with your company? Are you confident that your interview process is well defined and supports accurate assessments of candidates?

I have been through so many terrible interviews (as the interviewee), I immediately saw the brilliance in this idea. She knows her stuff and can really help.

If you want to find out more, here is her website.

Tell her Rick sent you.*

*Full disclosure, Lynee is my friend, but that should just further cement how sharp she is. :)