Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Eckhartz Everyday

 *14 years ago today, we founded our corporation which remains the parent company for Eckhartz Press. We called it Just One Bad Century. The website still exists as a Chicago Cubs site, providing daily Cubs information here.

*The newest edition of EveryCubEver is now available, and features a poem about today's birthday boy Kris Bryant. It is the only baseball poem in history to use the word Numnutz. That's a guarantee.

*Sportscaster Dave Kerner is celebrating a birthday today. He is an enthusiastic endorser of the Eckhartz Press book Transatlantic Passage by Paul M. Banks. Here's what he says about the book...

“You’ll love reading about what it’s like to be a soccer (always going to be football to me!) fan from multiple perspectives. Thanks to Paul and this in depth look at the evolution of international soccer in the United States, in some ways negative for the men’s game, and in some ways positive for the women’s game.”