Monday, March 18, 2013

25 Years of Rush

This year marks Rush Limbaugh's 25th year as a syndicated talk show host.

I was looking through my archives the other day, trying to find a piece I had written about an upcoming interview subject, when I stumbed onto something else: An article I had written about Rush in a publication called Chicago Advertising & Media in 1990.

I really don't even remember writing it, but in the article I warned against the hiring of nationally syndicated voices because it would inevitably diminish local radio, and I suspected that radio stations wouldn't be able to resist the opportunity to save money.

I also wrote this: "I listened to his show for fifteen minutes and in that time he called people who care about the environment 'pot smoking hippies' and people who think women should have equal rights 'feminazis'. And they call Howard Stern and Steve Dahl shock jocks?"

In 1990 hearing that on the radio was shocking to me.

In 2013 it's the norm.

Thanks so much for your contributions to American society, Rush.